40 thoughts on “Resting or Ready to Spring?

    • These are the Nile Crocodile species and the average length is 13-16 feet, weighing around 900 pounds. Big guys! Thanks for your comments and visits today Jim.

  1. What a fascinating thing it is to see these lighter-colored African reptiles compared to our Everglades alligators that are so dark, and nearly always hiding just under the surface of the water. Amazing shot!

    • I am reminded of your lovely recent post with the baby alligator just below the water’s surface. I enjoyed your comment and comparison, BJ, thank you so much. 😀

  2. We saw lots of these in Luangwa too. Many were submerged in the river and covered by green leaves ready to snatch anything that came close. Our son was small then and we were watching him like hawks when he ran around at the lodge lawn bordering to the river. Thanks Jet for bringing back those memories with this awesome picture.

    • I don’t come across too many people who have been to Luangwa, how wonderful that you have, Tiny. Lots of elephants, hippos, and yes, crocodiles there. Really fun to hear about your adventure, and I appreciate your warm visit and comment. 😀

    • That’s their trick, they look quite harmless. 900 pound creature that will tear off your limb in a second. yikes is right. Really enjoyed your comment, Gunta; I’m smiling really big right now as I type. 😀 😀

    • Their stealthy ways are for tricking prey, so yes, they may look sleepy and lethargic, but they can open up those long jaws and pounce in a split second. Thanks so very much, Inger, for your visits and comments. 😀

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